About /> 

class DanielTurcanu {

constructor() {

this.name = 'Daniel Turcanu',

this.dayOfBirthTimestamp = 'October 18, 1994 19:24:00',

this.email = 'info@danieltcn.com',


workExperience() {

return [

{ '2022-now': 'Software Engineer at ' + 'Eligence' },

{ '2023-now': 'Solutions Architect at ' + 'Freelance' },

{ '2021-2022': 'Software Engineer at ' + 'Opentech' },

{ '2020-2021': 'Software Engineer at ' + 'Moldcell Technology' },

{ '2019-2020': 'Junior Java Developer at ' + 'Cedacri International' },



education() {

return [

{ '2016-2018': 'State University of Moldova - Master's Degree (mgr), Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science' },

{ '2013-2016': 'State University of Moldova - Bachelor of Engineering (inż.), Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science' }



skills() {

return [ 'JavaScript', 'TypeScript', 'NestJS', 'Node.js', 'ExpressJs', 'TypeOrm', 'Prisma', 'Knex', 'Redis/RabbitMQ', 'Microservices', 'Webpack/Vite', 'npm/yarn', 'Docker', 'GIT/CVS', 'Electron', 'WebSockets/Socket.io', 'Firebase', 'MySQL/MongoDB/PostgreSQL', 'C#', 'HTML/CSS/JS', 'Jest', 'SendGrid', 'Strapi', 'Ubuntu', 'Devops(base)', 'DTP', 'AWS', 'GCP', 'PWA', 'SSR', 'SPA' ]


languageSkills() {

return [ 






relevantSkills() {

return [ 'Roller Instructor', 'Massage Guru', 'TechGuru', 'MobileGuru', 'Marathoner', 'Volunteer' ]

